Friday, May 18, 2018

Rest & Refit

Well, our trip to Georgia is almost over. We've scheduled this last day to relax, tidy up and prepare for the return trip as well as to review any problems or things we had missed before we go on our longer trip to Ohio, Pennsylvania and elsewhere.

The biggest job was installing PoGoGo on its new carrier. It had ridden from home to Georgia and all week in the rear of the Outback so we could have it at the various locations and except at the Wild Animal Safari it had proven very useful. We didn't even try to use it at the Safari as I had visions of monkeys jumping all over it.

Now we needed to move it from the rear of the Outback to the new carrier installed on the back of Wolf.The first carrier we had was just a metal grid platform but it had become harder for us to lift it on and off the carrier so we got a new one that had ramps on one side that would fold down to roll PoGoGo on and off as needed. When empty, the carrier and ramps fold up compactly against the rear of Wolf.

During our week at Lake Pines RV Park, we had parked the Outback in front of Wolf so now we needed to lift PoGoGo out of there and roll it over to the rear of Wolf. The Outback is just out of sight at the front of Wolf in the photo to the right. So, up over the lawn, over the concrete pad where the picnic table is and back to the rear of Wolf.

The only drawback we discovered was when the fire ants in the vicinity of the picnic table discovered me! I managed to get rid of them after only two bites but even days later those two bites still took severe itching burning spells!

Once we got PoGoGo rolled up on to the carrier all we had to do was remove the battery and store it inside Wolf. This time, as we often will, we also removed the front basket and the seat so it would fold up even lower for this first run back to St Augustine.

With PoGoGo settled into its new traveling position, we bagged up what needs to go in the house and put it in the car including our laundry. Some stuff we might ordinarily remove stayed in Wolf for our next trip in just a few weeks.

We had dinner at Mark's City Grill again. This time I had the Bangkok Shrimp appetizer with a side of rice for my dinner. I forgot to have them leave the greens behind but at least they aren't too hard to remove. One of my favorite meals here in St Augustine is to have Bang Bang Shrimp at Ned's Southside Kitchen and the Bangkok Shrimp appetizer is a whole lot like it. The dish at Ned's is an entree and has vegetables. The appetizer at Mark's does not but I must say that the side dish I had of rice is the best rice, plain as it comes, that I have ever had, light and fluffy and not at all sticky!

And, as an odd side note, one of the TV's while we were at Mark's  showed a short blurb saying that fossils show Ice Age hunters in New Mexico tracking an extinct giant sloth. A tantalizing bit of information which I followed up on at Google when we got home!

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